Please take the time to look at my FaceBook page and support in any way you can.

Things I Can Do

A massive thank you to all those who sponsored me originally, but if you didn't please have a quick read of the story that led me to enter this event back in 2019. Long distance running is way outside of my comfort zone, but I entered when I was much younger!! Since then the charity that I'm asking you to support by sponsoring me, Tough Enough To Care has grown and continues to do amazing work. In a big 12 months in which I turned 45 years old I wanted to do something that would not only challenge me physically and mentally, but would also go some way towards helping the amazing work that Stu and his team are doing in the setting up and growing of Tough Enough To Care. At that time I had been to some of the darkest places of my life which not only affected me, but also that of my family around me. I want to do everything that I can to get across to people that there is no weakness in saying that you aren't OK. This is the story of Tough Enough To Care, from its founder Stu Bratt: "Tough Enough To Care is aimed at men of all ages who currently fall into the trap of having to act macho instead of talking about feelings and the main aim is to prevent Male suicide. Tough Enough To Care has been setup to raise awareness of male mental health issues and to tackle the stigma surrounding it, head on. We want men of all ages to feel comfortable talking and opening up about their emotions instead of bottling them up until they reach breaking point and we also want men to be able to spot when other may be struggling. There is no shame in being Tough Enough To Care". Please do everything that you can to spread this important message and give Tough Enough To Care the boost that it needs to continue the amazing work that is being done. Please take the time to visit their page on FaceBook for more information, or contact me directly for any further information.